The effective protection of Vermont’s archaeological heritage requires citizen support. The VAS encourages citizens to become active advocates for Vermont archaeology and to join us in supporting the preservation and protection of our state’s archaeological sites.
Here are some ways to get involved:
Reach out to elected officials
Our elected officials need to hear from us about the importance of archaeology, especially when important policies or legislation are being considered.
Although signing petitions, sending form letters, and mailing postcards are convenient and popular forms of reaching out to our officials, nothing beats a phone call or personal letter in which you identify yourself as a concerned constituent (and voter!). Here are some suggestions when contacting your elected official:
- Introduce yourself: tell them who you are, where you live, what you do for a living.
- Explain why you are writing: what do you want them to know or do? If you are writing about a specific piece of legislation or policy, use its official name and number if possible.
- Share your personal story: what is your experience with the topic? How will you, your community, or other citizens be impacted by the issue?
- Support your position: share evidence and data, provide examples, or reference other documentation that supports your goal.
- Be brief, firm, and respectful: a concise letter with a clear position and respectful tone is often the most effective.
- Request a response: let them know you are tracking the issue and want to know what position they will take.
Federal officials
President Joe Biden
Write using the online contact form or call the White House switchboard at 202-456-1414 or the comments line at 202-456-1111 during business hours
US Senator Peter Welch (D)
Write using his online contact form or call his Washington or Vermont offices
US Senator Bernie Sanders (I)
Write using his online comments form or call his Washington or Vermont offices
State officials
Find your legislators by name or town
Write a letter to the editor
Reaching out to other citizens through local newspapers is a great way to raise awareness. Learn tips about how to write a letter to the editor here.
- Addison County Independent
- Barre/Montpelier Times Argus
- Bennington Banner
- Brattleboro Reformer
- Burlington Free Press
- Caledonian Record
- Montpelier Bridge
- Rutland Herald
- Seven Days
- St. Albans Messenger
- Stowe Today / News & Citizen
- Valley News (White River Junction)
- Valley Reporter (Waitsfield)
- The World
Recent Actions
The VAS will share notices about pending issues and information about our own advocacy activities here and in our e-newsletter (subscribe here!). We also encourage our members to contact us regarding how you think we should take action on issues that may impact Vermont archaeology.
National Monuments Review
July 2017 — the VAS submitted a public comment regarding Executive Order 13792, which calls for a review of certain National Monuments. We focused our comments on Katahdin Woods & Waters in Maine, which is the only monument in the northeast being reviewed. Read our full comment here.
Legal Resources
A number of laws and policies govern the protection of archaeological resources, historic properties, and unmarked burials in Vermont and the country. The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation maintains an excellent set of references and guides related to archaeology in the state.